长沙市民花千元获得秘方 结局让他哭笑不得(民间骗局)

2023-08-31 17:57:38 丰彩网 gzxnsh.com






Chinese article rewritten in high-quality language:

The use of traditional folk remedies can do more harm than good. While many people choose to dye their hair black to mask the signs of aging, some may seek alternative treatments to naturally restore their hair to a youthful state. A woman named Ms. Guo in Changsha, for instance, went online in search of a "secret formula" that could turn her white hair black.

She discovered a clinic that claimed to have such a treatment. According to the clinic, which did not possess any business licenses, each session would take thirty minutes, with a half month waiting period between each one. After about five sessions, all of the white hair would be gone. Ms. Guo underwent the treatment process, which included a hair wash, scalp massage, and over an hour of hair pulling, and ended with the application of an unknown liquid. However, she abruptly stopped the process after three sessions, as she felt unsatisfied with the results.

It turned out that the clinic had been pulling out Ms. Guo's white hairs during the treatment, claiming that this was necessary because white hair could not be turned black. The hair would supposedly regrow as black hair. When Ms. Guo tried to get a refund, the clinic refused, forcing her to take legal action. After several rounds of mediation by the Changsha Consumer Association, she received a refund of the remaining balance, but the episode left her frustrated.

Most traditional folk remedies lack scientific backing and can lead to adverse outcomes. It is advisable to seek professional medical treatment in reputable hospitals. For those who do choose to undergo alternative treatments such as this, it is crucial to sign a contract beforehand to protect oneself from any contractual disputes.